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Archive for the ‘Linux Commands’ Category

Linux CSGO Server —

Building a CSGO Server: [Linux Server] Install a normal Linux server – I setup an Ubuntu 14.04-Server with 3 CPU cores running as a vm with 12GB of RAM. Not going to cover the server install here. [CSGO Server] This can be done manually or through scripts which I recommend. Linux Game Server Managers has a […]

oclHashcat —

oclHashcat How To: Website: http://hashcat.net/oclhashcat/ oclHashcat needs .cap files to be converted to .hccap before it can start the password recovery process. Aircrack-ng suite will output files in .cap with all captures SSIDs found in the scan. So we first want to run wpaclean which will reduce the file to just the 4 way handshakes found […]

Whitelist / Blacklist —

Whitelist or Blacklist domains or E-Mail addresses in SpamAssassin:   Navigate to the SpamAssassin directory Nano /etc/spamassassin/local.cf Comment out a section for whitelisting and do the same for blacklisting #Whitelist whitelist_from *@domain.com whitelist_from user@domain.com #Blacklist blacklist_from *@domain.com blacklist_from user@domain.com  

E-Mail from CMD —

MAIL: E-Mail from command line using Echo and Mail:   echo “Testing E-Mail from command line” | mail -s “Test Echo CMD E-Mail” someone@domain.com   MUTT: E-Mail with Attachment: echo “This is the message body” | mutt -a “/path/to/file.to.attach” -s “subject of message” — recipient@domain.com